
Associated Students of San Jose State University has been a student-owned and operated non-profit organization for over 100 years. We are committed to providing services and activities that enhance the opportunity to meet, recreate and maximize student life. Opportunities to get involved and obtain leadership skills are among our highest priorities.

The Associated Students (A.S.) Board of Directors represent the student body as their governing council. They are the voice of 菠菜网lol正规平台 students and advocate on their behalf on campus, statewide and national issues affecting them.

Students' Elections Commission

Comprised of a mix of students and staff advisors, the SEC runs student government elections annually in a fair, ethical, and timely manner. Meeting weekly, promoting and implementing events and activities, and more, to help elect the A.S. Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 academic year.


Chief Elections Officer
Office Hours: 


SEC Ethics Officers
Office Hours:


SEC Marketing Officer
Office Hours:


SEC Events Officer
Office Hours: 


Election Consultant
Office Hours: 


Election Consultant
Office Hours: 

Office Hours: 

SEC Advising Team

Jenely Pulido
SEC Advisor: Janely Pulido

Leadership and Government Coordinator


Alexis Graesser
Leadership Development Coordinator, Student Involvement

Mira Hutton 
Associate Director of Student Conduct and Ethical Development

Kenne Jackson
Kenne Jackson

Events Coordinator, Associated Students

Edilbert Signey
Edilbert Signey

Marketing & Communications Manager, Associated Students



Contact Us

A.S. Student Government Office,
Diaz Compean Student Union,
2nd Floor, Suite 2300
Telephone: (408) 924-6242

Elections Appeals Board

Sign up to be a student-at-large on the Elections Appeals Board!

Every voter is eligible to win an awesome prize! Details will be available soon.

A.S. Elections 2024: Important Documents

Events and Important Dates

Candidate Information Packet

Elections Regulation Manual (ERM) [pdf]

Prize Mechanics: T-Shirt Raffle 

Price Mechanics: Voting Prizes

Candidate Endorsements

Candidate Expense Sheet

Submit a Grievance

Voter Information Guide